Quote Match Guarantee
If you find a better deal or quote (than ours) - we will match it ‘AND ALSO' give the difference as a 'credit note' . You get a great deal and save. Win-Win!
+ How do we avail this?
Purchase of the product(s) from us is to qualify. The other quote must not be older than 7 days from the date of issue of our quote.
Email us quotematch (@) desertroad.co to verify & confirm.
+ Which quotes do you match?
Identical product with full quote (must include quantity, customization, brand, taxes, customs, duty, specs, deadline, location & mode of delivery).
The company that quoted must have ready 'on-ground' stock (not part available; made to order etc).
That quote from & to must be for a GCC licensed company
Official quotes that are signed & stamped
+What if a competitor has a bundle at discounted price or with a free item?
If the price of the identical product in the bundle is lower, we will match it and include a similar free valued item. If we can offer a similar bundle, QMG will not apply.
+ Which quotes you 'do not' match?
Quotes from manufacturers, your subsidiaries, direct distributors, freelancers or general traders. Email, SMS, chat, oral estimates is not considered.
-Special offers via loyalty programs, group buying, flash sales, auctions, bankruptcy sales, contests, samples, trials, clones, refurbished, discontinued range or via vouchers, rebates or points.
-Products from bundle, hamper, limited edition or set.
-Exclusive products, prohibited/illegal or made from scratch.
+ Anything else to keep in mind?
Standard terms apply. We reserve the right to modify, restrict, the QMG program without prior notice if a customer violated our terms.